
Koulshi Mag + [ex Mobile MookMark] (WAP, GPRS, 3G, WIFI mobile, etc...) By REDdj ! :D 


prochainement.... :p

La description que l'on peut donner pour le moment, est : que ceci est la version ALPHA et que ce Magazine est un genre de #MeltingPot,  d'auberge espagnole, de soupe ou 3assida, de panaché, etc...
Bref bienvenue sur ce mélange d'informations, de vidéos, de photos, et de textes. que ce soit  dans l'art, la culture, et la com'  un peu comme ARTE !

NB : Cette #Description fut écrite en 2008, quand les caractères ne permettaient pas d’écrire grand chose... ;)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lady Gaga By MyChonny


Long time no see gee

I think Lady Gaga is one crazy BIATCH but my parents think otherwise.
"It's GAGA! not GAYGAR!"


Song 1 -
Rah rah ah ah ah! roman roman man
Gaygar, ooh nice car! apple juice from France
You are ugly, you are a disease
If i had to sell you i would give you for free
You're a fkn idiot.

Song 2-
(hah x 62) with my both hands, i wana smack you
but then you would go crying to your mum
you got a gay love, but im duh surprised,
cus when you were young i dressed you up like a girl
so it's kinda my fault!
you know that i hate you boy, ugly like a mexican toy, you AHH!
don't call me mum x2 ALEJANDROZZS

Song 3- (woahh)
The next time you piss me off i will stab your doodle with a lance
(woahh) i'm sorry, i know you cant help being a stupid fkn bit*ch!
(woahhhh oh ahh) why do wear gay P.J pants?
(woahh zz ohh) check out my dragon stance

Special thanks to my girly girl bubz who helped me Again!

Check out my other channel too

thumbs up for the dodgey green screen scenes! LOL my first time ever too! OLDSPICE FTW TOO!

Thanks for watching! Subscribe!
new vids soon! laters
xx oo

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